Support our mission by fundraising for Svitlo School

Make a real difference to the future of Ukrainian children affected by war through individual fundraising, or with your friends, colleagues or school.

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Help Svitlo School illuminate the future for the children of Ukraine

Svitlo School is a registered charity in England and Wales with an important mission - empowering the future political, social  and business leaders of Ukraine to become confident, knowledgeable global citizens.

We provide an educational sanctuary for Ukrainian children affected by war and have supported more than 2,500 students since the Russian invasion in February 2022. Svitlo means ‘light’ in Ukrainian and your fundraising efforts will help more children to ‘Shine Bright with Svitlo Light’.

We need your support to grow our safe, stable and unique educational community, where children can enjoy learning, creativity and new friendships. We provide a positive and valuable distraction from the war, cultivating their curiosity with engaging lessons and exciting collaborative projects. Our students tell us that Svitlo School has brought hope, motivation and happiness back into their lives.

We can support your fundraising efforts by inspiring you with fundraising ideas, helping you set up a Just Giving page or sharing your story via our newsletter or social media. Please get in touch at or use the button below. We would love to hear your plans and offer our assistance. 

How could you fundraise for Svitlo School?

Choose Svitlo as your sponsored charity for an individual challenge

Nizar raised £1,000 for Svitlo School by completing an Iron man challenge! He swam 2.4 miles, cycled 112 miles and ran 26.2 miles.

Get together with your team,colleagues or department

A group of employees from the EBRD are on course to raise £25,000 for Svitlo - which the bank has generously agreed to match!

Engage your pupils, your child’s class or the whole school!

Norfolk House Primary in London raised £7,000 on a cross-country run and are now working on a fundraising cookbook.

“I found a second family in Svitlo, began to plan my time properly, improved my English, became more confident, and all this is thanks to Svitlo! I never want to leave you.”
Nastya, Svitlo Student

“I have many friends at Svitlo School.
I have met wonderful people and wonderful teachers. I wish for even more Svitlo students!”
Nikita, Svitlo Student

“Svitlo School knows how to cheer you up even in such difficult times. It makes you want to continue studying and find the light that we need so much in all this darkness.”
Antonia, Svitlo Student