Invest in the education and future of Ukrainian children affected by war

Empower the next generation of Ukraine’s social, political and business leaders to become global citizens, through a rewarding and impactful corporate partnership with us.

Contact us about partnership

Svitlo means ‘light’ in Ukrainian and we are illuminating the future for the children of Ukraine

Would our mission and work resonate with your customers, clients or employees? We need corporate partners who share our values of education, global citizenship, empowerment and determination. We want to build sustainable, strategic partnerships which grow the expertise, impact and success of our school and your organisation.

Demonstrate your commitment to Ukrainian children affected by war, and strengthen customer loyalty, attract new audiences, enhance your brand reputation, or boost employee engagement and satisfaction.

Svitlo School began life in March 2022 in response to the Russian invasion

We are a young and ambitious charity registered in England and Wales. Founded by educational expert Yuliya Kosko, we have quickly grown into a vital academic and social support structure for Ukrainian children affected by war. 

We have supported over 2,500 children and attracted a passionate team of 65+ volunteers from all over the world, enabled by a dedicated team of British educators and Ukrainian refugees in the UK.

Contact us about partnership


hours taught


students supported


classes per week

data Sep 2023 to Jul 2024

The future of Ukraine lies with the next generation

We are empowering students to become global citizens, who will be equipped to build a new independent country and establish social, political and business relationships with Europe and the rest of the world. 

We need corporate partners who share our vision and want to invest in the growth of Svitlo School. Work with us to provide more Ukrainian children with high quality academic and social education in a safe, stable community where curiosity, creativity and friendships flourish.

"Investing in education for Ukraine's children, no matter where they reside, is the best investment we can make in the country's future." Regina De Dominicis, UNICEF Regional Director for Europe, Aug 2023.

Partner with us to create an engaging fundraising programme for your employees

Through a programme of fundraising, a group of EBRD employees is on course to raise £25,000 which the bank will generously match.

In one event, EBRD employees ran the London Half Marathon, supported on the sidelines by our Founder, Yuliya Kosko. Yuliya also delivered a presentation at EBRD headquarters in London.

Get in touch at to discuss how we can work together on an impactful fundraising programme tailored to your business.

Donate your time and expertise pro bono

Award-winning law firm Wedlake Bell generously provided Svitlo School with pro bono time and expertise, carrying out the registration process for our charity and all employees.

Sponsor an event,
programme or campaign

Help us grow our network and reach new audiences with sponsorship like Sterling Law, a Legal 500 law firm. Our events have led directly to Svitlo School securing free summer school placements in the UK for Ukrainian children.

Inspire our students by
giving career talks

Leading investment firm the Foresight Group ran a series of career talks for our older students. The EBRD are also leading a course on anti-corruption. These are great opportunities for junior colleagues to practice leadership.

“Every day, Svitlo lessons bring something new to my life. Joining the school divided my life into a before and after.” 

Daria, Svitlo Student

“Svitlo School was my last hope. The last push not to break down completely. Thanks to this school I discovered new talents, got out of my comfort zone, and most importantly, decided on my career path.” 

Mariya, Svitlo Student

“When I started my lessons at Svitlo, I realised the whole world was with us. We are children of Ukraine and part of the world society.” 

Vladislava, Svitlo Student