GCSE preparation programme at Svitlo School: Achieve your academic goals

Svitlo School, a charity dedicated to providing English education for Ukrainian children, is ready to support you on your way to GCSE!
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Who is the programme for?

If you're a teenager who moved from Ukraine to England or Wales because of the war and will be in Year 10 and Year 11 in 2023-2024 academic year, we can help you reach your potential in the compulsory GCSE subjects.

Programme details

Our programme offers live online lessons with tutors in core GCSE subjects such as Maths, English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology in small groups. To enhance your learning experience, we provide free access to the EdPlace platform, a valuable resource packed with interactive activities and resources specifically designed for GCSE preparation. EdPlace team also deliver live lessons and Q+A sessions every two weeks to ensure you make steady progress. You can also take advantage of the platform's extensive collection of GCSE papst pacers, weekly tasks and mock tests and homework.

In summer 2023, we have 6 online lessons with EdPlace volunteers, so make sure to register as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Summer camp opportunity

Svitlo Education works in partnership with many schools in England. We always look for opportunities to enhance our students’ learning experience and reward their hard work. In summer 2023, two Ukrainian students are going to a residential camp for two weeks at Harrow Summer School learning English, meeting new friends and enjoying excursions.  

Parent volunteer opportunity

As a new but very ambitious charity, we are on look out for volunteers and advocate of Svitlo’s mission. If you are a parent of a Year 10 student and would like to support our exam preparation programme, please email us at support@svitloschool.com.

How do I sign up for the GCSE help programme?

To sign up for a class, simply fill out the form. After registration, you will receive detailed information by email.


I believe that every teacher made a great contribution to our studies. They tried to explain everything to us as clearly and as possible and  they helped me in my exams. Of course, sometimes one hour a week was not enough to go through all the exam material, but the teachers tried their best and gave us as much knowledge as possible. So I think they did more than they could in the given time and I very grateful for that. 

Oleksandra, from Kharkiv

Good evening! I wrote my last exam last week. I want to say that I am very grateful for this unique opportunity to study with you! I felt more confident and comfortable writing exams, waiting for the results now! Thank you very much to the teachers and organizers

❤️Maria O.

Good afternoon! My daughter, Valya,  has 9 exams left, her sportsmanship (she was the regional butterfly champion for several years in a row) and her stubbornness to go forward, help her. Valya is very tired, but she still studies from morning to evening every day. We are very pleased (to the point of tears) for your support ❤️🇺🇦 as we are the only ones from Ukraine in our town (she is the only ukrainianin the whole school). Thank you very much for your help🙏❤️🇺🇦

Tatiana Kovalenko, from Zhytomyr

Let's make your GCSE preparation a smashing success!Join us today! Take advantage of this opportunity and let us help you achieve your goals.