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The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Daria Polishchuk
February 4, 2025

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a standalone qualification for pupils aged 16+, designed to extend and develop students' abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare them for university or their future career.

The EPQ is valued by higher education institutions in the UK and abroad as it demonstrates to university admissions teams that a pupil possesses crucial skills, including research, critical thinking, and independent study skills, which are highly valued at the university level. It can also provide evidence of a pupil’s dedication to a specific topic, showcasing their passion and dedication to independent learning.

Many schools in the UK offer EPQ as part of their sixth form curriculum. For those pupils who do not have this opportunity on offer at their school or want to take EPQ at their own pace there are online solutions.

Svitlo School is supported by Highgrove Online School in our education mission to develop the future global leaders of Ukraine.

We’re excited to announce that In January 2024, one of our students, Ksenia will be starting her EPQ journey with Highgrove Online School on a full bursary. Ksenia had to flee Ukraine in April 2022 because of the war and is currently living in Germany.  Her dream is to study International Law, and she plans to take an EPQ on a topic that will support this ambition.

Many universities acknowledge the EPQ in their offers, sometimes reducing grade requirements. It can be a key differentiator for highly competitive programs. By taking an online EPQ course with Highgrove, Ksenia will be guided through the skills needed to plan, execute and evaluate her project, including research skills, project management skills and presentation skills.

As well as attending weekly live lessons and working through interactive self-study materials, she will have regular one-to-one meetings with an Extended Project Supervisor, who will act as a catalyst and facilitator of her research process.

We wish Ksenia every success in her Bursary placement, and look forward to tracking her progress as she works towards achieving her dream.

More about the EPQ:

The Extended Project Qualification allows pupils to dive deep into a topic that captivates them, whether it’s related to their field of study, a personal interest, or just an area they want to discover more about. Throughout their EPQ journey, pupils grow as critical thinkers and independent learners, and develop project-management skills vital to their success at university and in the world of work.

There are four types of projects available. Pupils choose one to complete:

  1. Dissertation: a theoretical written project on any topic presenting an argument, e.g. research into a biological, historical or environmental issue.
  2. Artefact: for example, a painting, sculpture or piece of graphic design; designing a piece of furniture or a garment; creating a website; solving an engineering problem.
  3. Performance: development of practical skills resulting in a performance, e.g. performing music, drama, sport.
  4. An investigation or field study: practical investigatory project involving the collection of data, e.g. a scientific investigation, a geographical study of erosion, a biological study of pollution.