Join our team of passionate volunteers at Svitlo School

Whether you want to teach lessons or
volunteer your professional skills, you’ll be making a difference to the future of Ukrainian children affected by war.

Apply to volunteer

Volunteer your time and expertise to teach our amazing students in English

or jump to Volunteer your Professional Skills

Join our mission to empower the future social, political and business leaders of Ukraine to become confident global citizens. 

Svitlo means ‘light’ and we have brought light and hope to more than 2,500 students since March 2022, following the Russian invasion. Join our passionate and supportive team of volunteers, who teach a wide variety of subjects across English language, STEM, humanities, creativity, careers and wellbeing. 

Our friendly network of volunteers  come from all over the world- literally from the UK to Canada, Pakistan and New Zealand! You could be a professional, a student, retired or on a career break. Our volunteers have a wide range of skills and backgrounds. 

You can volunteer from one hour per week and for a minimum time of 6 weeks. Teach our students about a passion close to your heart, or a subject in your area of professional expertise. You don’t need any experience in teaching and will receive full support from our welcoming and dedicated team.

“The diverse perspectives presented by the experts opened my mind to new possibilities. I'm truly grateful for this opportunity, as it has provided me with valuable insights and a clearer sense of direction for my career aspirations.” 

Nikita, 17, Svitlo Student

“Svitlo is a very cool and positive online school. Now I know English much better and speak it more confidently with other people and teachers! Every day, there are many lessons that you can choose for yourself. Svitlo has taught me to love English more and has changed my life for the better!!!”

Nikita, 12, Svitlo Student

“At Svitlo, teachers really want to teach us, share something new, and generally enrich our lives with interesting information. Another thing I really like about Svitlo is the points system, because it feels like I am at a real job where for my work I can get some cool prizes.” 

Oleksandra, 11, Svitlo Student

How does volunteering work at Svitlo School?

All our lessons are in English and our semesters run for 6 weeks at a time. You can choose to teach our younger cohort of students, who are 10-13 years old, or our older cohort who are 14-18 years old.

You can choose a day and time for your lesson from our timetable, which runs from 1 pm to 6 pm Monday through Friday (UK time). Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.

Many of our volunteers choose to repeat their lessons the following semester to a new group of students. Some stay with the same group of students and move on to the next stage of learning or a new topic entirely. Classes can be a small ‘closed  group’ of students or a larger ‘open class’. As a volunteer you will have the freedom to plan and run your classes in the way which best suits you.

Our students do not get graded but instead receive points for their Student House, which the children take very seriously! In our lessons, we like to encourage critical thinking, participation and great communication.

Our lessons take place on Zoom. You will receive a free premium licence and full training, so don’t worry if you haven’t used Zoom before for lessons or meetings. You can choose to create your own presentation/slides, or you can have free access to LessonUp, a teaching platform with a vast library of lessons and templates.

What could I teach?

Your subject should be in your area of expertise or a passion which is close to your heart. Our volunteers have taught classes on a huge variety of subjects, including:

African Wildlife, All About Ireland, All About London, Ancient Cultures, Art, Astrophysics, Biology, Classics, Communication, Creative Writing, Digital Marketing, Economics, Emotional Intelligence, English, Experimental Science, Film Making, Investments, Law, Maths, Music, Photography, Presenting, Psychology, Social and Emotional Learning, Starting a Business, Storytelling, Sustainability, Theatre, Wellbeing, Yoga and more.

As you can see, our students love to learn about a vast range of subjects! Whilst learning about your chosen topic, our students will also be improving their English and growing in confidence by asking questions and giving their opinions.

What are the benefits of volunteering with Svitlo School?

You will be making a real difference to the education, wellbeing and future of Ukrainian children affected by war

The invasion of Ukraine is a war on childhood. More than 3,700 schools have been damaged or destoyed. Over 2 million Ukrainian children have had to flee their home country, and more than 800,000 have been internally displaced.

You will be actively combating the learning loss suffered by Ukrainian children

41% of children in Ukraine have limited or no access to classroom learning. Teachers have reported a sharp deterioration in abilities across fundamental subjects, in particular foreign languages. Our students report (and display) a marked improvement in their English skills after a few short weeks with Svitlo School.

You will be empowering students with knowledge, confidence and skills in a safe, supportive environment

Devastating research is emerging on the mental health burden being inflicted on Ukrainian children, with many respondents in a recent peer-reviewed study screening positive for trauma and anxiety. By volunteering, you help ensure Svitlo School continues to be a stable, safe community where children can enjoy friendships, be curious and creative, and have fun. Many of them tell us Svito School has become a second family.

You will love our students and enjoy your lessons!

Our volunteers find teaching at Svitlo School incredibly rewarding. You will get to know your students, watch them grow in confidence and admire their progress. You will find your students to be engaged, intelligent, appreciative, respectful and keen to learn.

You will learn from our students as well as teach them

Our volunteers experience personal development and growth, plus gain a valuable addition to their CV. But more than that, you will learn from your students and be inspired by their resilience, curiosity and humour during the most challenging time of their young lives.

Join our passionate team of volunteers

“As a volunteer I have personally gained a huge amount from working with Svitlo School. The support I have been afforded by my new colleagues has been fundamental to my success. 

I hope, in return, that I am able to give the students some of the life they deserve and help take their minds off the despicable acts that are taking place in their country for an hour or two a week. 

If you have the time, get involved. You will learn new skills and much about yourself as well as helping young people to grow and develop.” 

Richard Human, Svitlo Volunteer

“The Svitlo students and their classes are now an integral part of my life.  

Classes are meant for teaching but for me, I have learned a lot from them. Their resistance, humility and positivity towards life is appreciable and always a motivating factor. 

It's an honor and privilege to be associated with Svitlo."

Dr Ritu Pareek, Svitlo Volunteer

“You gain more than you give by volunteering at Svitlo:

Children are very punctual and highly intelligent. They will engage and really care about the lessons. They are positive about the future and you are part of this positivity. They appreciate your time and knowledge.

You are creating positive change in the world!! It’s really a unique and historic opportunity.”

Michael O'Toole, Svitlo Volunteer

What support would I get as a volunteer?

You are supported every step of the way as a Svitlo School volunteer, but can also enjoy the freedom to create lessons on your chosen subject in your own unique style. 

Our volunteer induction and ongoing support includes:

  • Zoom meeting with our founder Yuliya Kosko to learn more about the school, discuss what you could teach and ask any questions
  • Support from our team to help you with structure, plan and content for your lessons
  • Full Zoom training specifically for educators, to make the most of the online classroom setting
  • Free premium Zoom licence, which you are free to use personally
  • Admin support to help choose your timetable, set up lessons, communicate information to students and answer your questions
  • Free LessonUp licence and training, a teaching platform with a vast library of lessons and templates (optional)
  • Free membership to Qualified Tutor, the professional development organisation for tutors
  • Opportunities to speak with other volunteers who are happy to share their insight and experience, answer questions and share resources
  • Opportunity to join our friendly WhatsApp group of volunteers, our active LinkedIn network and attend online and in-person events

Hear from our founder Yuliya Kosko in this Volunteering Webinar

If you would like more information, you can watch this volunteering webinar run by Yuliya last year. In this video you will learn about:

  • How Svitlo School began life
  • Education in Ukraine
  • What makes Svitlo School unique
  • How volunteering works at Svitlo
  • How we support our volunteers

How do I apply to volunteer?

Applying to volunteer with Svitlo School is an easy and efficient process: 

  • Step One - Complete the application by clicking the button below, or email us at
  • Step Two - We will contact you to arrange a Zoom meeting
  • Step Three - We will conduct an Enhanced DBS Check
  • Step Four - You begin working with us!

Volunteer your professional skills at Svitlo School

Join our mission to empower the future social, political and business leaders of Ukraine to become confident global citizens. Svitlo School is a young and ambitious charity - can you volunteer your professional skills to help us grow? Whether your skills lie in fundraising, marketing, finance, technology or administration, we would love to hear from you.  

You can choose to volunteer a few hours per month, or on a project-specific basis. Our volunteers come from all over the world and have a wide range of skills and backgrounds. You could be a professional, a student, retired or on a career break. 

Volunteering with Svitlo School offers you personal and professional development, as well as a valuable addition to your CV. But more than this, you will make a real difference to the future of Ukrainian children affected by war. 

Witnessing the damage being inflicted on their education, wellbeing and freedom to enjoy childhood is devastating. With your support, Svitlo School can continue to grow as a unique educational sanctuary for Ukrainian children.

“Svitlo School knows how to cheer you up even in such difficult times. It makes you want to continue studying and find the light that we need so much in all this darkness. It’s not just a school anymore, it’s a big family.”

Antionia, Svitlo Student

We have a wide range of professional volunteering opportunities available


Could you help us identify funding
bodies and grants, and support us
with applications?

and Media

Could you help us raise
awareness of Svitlo School and
our mission in the media?


Could you help us identify and
engage with potential corporate


Could you help us plan and run
marketing campaigns to attract individual donors?


Could you help with accounting,
finance management, budgeting
or reporting?


Could you help with strategy,
content or social media

Please apply using the button below or get in touch at
We would love to arrange an informal chat about how we could work together.